About AGTV Membership
About AGTV Membership AGTV individual and school membership is for a calendar year. Membership is not transferable.
Every membership receives a complimentary subscription to SZENE. All applications must be approved to activate membership. Approval is considered after payment is received. Any membership applications not approved will be refunded payment. On this page find information about:
| Payment Options AGTV Inc. A0024716J AGTV ABN: 69 688 318 657 Address: PO Box 2165, Forest Hill, 3131 NB: The AGTV does not have an office. For inquiries about payments, please email: treasurer@agtv.vic.edu.au The AGTV is not registered for the GST and is not required to produce tax invoices. NB: GST not included in all costs. Pay by bank transfer: bank details are on invoices. Pay online by credit card: click on the 'Pay Online' to pay through PayPal Express, you can pay as a guest, you do not need to have an account with PayPal. NB: Personal payment of individual membership can be claimed by teachers as a tax deduction. |
Types of Individual Membership There are four types of individual membership:
*Victorian Concession - Individual Membership This Individual Concession membership is offered to encourage professional engagement with the AGTV to individuals in Victoria who are either:
The Committee may require proof of eligibility for concession membership e.g. copy of student ID card. Former individual members of the AGTV who have retired and want to stay in contact with the Association incl. those who may be teaching German at the U3. Applications for Individual Membership The administration of our association is streamlined and provides mutual time saving benefits for members including.:
Benefits of Individual Membership
| Victorian School Membership School memberships are differentiated by school type and total school enrolment. Notifications of renewal are forwarded by email to schools for payment early in the year. NB Only individual members can access member rates for professional development provided by the AGTV. School membership types Each school membership receives a complimentary subscription to SZENE. NB: GST not included in the cost.
About School Membership School membership supports the professional services provided by the AGTV for students and teachers, all of which impact on student learning outcomes. Some services are only for students from member schools, and only for individual members. A copy of the SZENE Annual is complimentary with each school membership. Specific services to schools and students provided by the AGTV may include:
**About the AGTV-BJR Exchange The AGTV is a Registered Student Exchange Organisation with the VRQA in Victoria and coordinates a 10-week reciprocal exchange with the Bayerischer Jugendring (BJR) in the German state of Bavaria. Information for Students | SZENE Subscriptions A copy of SZENE is complimentary with every individual and school membership of the AGTV. SZENE will be published in the first half of the year and posted to individual and school members and subscribers and members of SAGTA. Sorry, no back copies available. In 2016, the Committee resolved to publish one printed issue of SZENE each year. Further information about SZENE and its contents: CLICK HERE Subcriptions to SZENE SZENE is complimentary with every AGTV membership and subscriptions are available for individuals and schools/libraries.
*South Australian teachers receive a subscription to SZENE as part of membership of their association, SAGTA. Any additional materials produced by the AGTV are forwarded to SAGTA for distribution to their members. Go to SAGTA Website HERE |
Privacy and Data Collection
Personal details are kept private and will only be used by the AGTV for planning and delivering professional services.
The AGTV uses contact information to communicate with members. This includes sending eNewsletters and notifications directly to members, contact by the Committee or Network Leaders, invoicing for events, authorising access to member content, and postal communication including the delivery of SZENE.
Contact details are not given out to others without the consent of the member.
What information is collected
How the AGTV uses information collected
Examples of how we use information collected for events:
Further details can be found on our main website under 'Policies and Statements': CLICK HERE