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Competitions for Students - last updated 13 July 2024

Students learning German in AGTV member schools may enter AGTV Competitions.

The AGTV is committed to child safety and has zero tolerance of child abuse and racism.

    Competition Details and Entry Forms

    Download competition details and entry forms under each competition. 

    Download a Parent/legal guardian Permission Form

    Download the generic parent/legal guardian permission form for students whose entries are selected for state final judging.

    AGTV Years 4 to 9 Poetry Competition

    This competition is open to students from Years 4 to 9. The AGTV organises Regional and State Finals for Individual DaF and Open competitions. and a State Final Judging for an Open Group Performance competition.

    Teachers first register the school's participation in the competition with the Committee and the details are passed on to the Network Leaders. If you missed the registration deadline, contact the AGTV (, it may be possible to join in.

    Further information about the Poetry Competition.

      AGTV Puppenspielfest 2024

      This competition has a primary and secondary section. It is open to students in Foundation to Year 6 and Secondary Years 7 and 8.

      Entries acceptedanytime until: Sat 21 September

      Essential Phrase: Ich verstehe nur Bahnhof.

        AGTV Kunst und Poesie 2024

        This competition is open to F-6 primary school students

        Entries accepted anytime until: Sat 21 September

        Artist in Focus: Paul Klee

            AGTV Werbespot 2024

            This competition is open to students in Years 5 to 12.

            Entries accepted anytime until: Sat 21st September

            Topic: Nachhaltige Geschenke

                  AGTV Song des Jahres 2024

                  This competition is open to individuals or groups from primary and secondary schools.

                  Entries accepted anytime until: Sat 21st September

                  AGTV Chor des Jahres 2024

                  This competition is open to choirs from primary and secondary schools.

                  Entries accepted anytime until: Sat 21st September

                    AGTV Fotowettbewerb 2024

                    Students and teachers of German from Victorian schools may enter this competition.

                    Entries accepted anytime until: Sat 21st September

                      List of Current Competitions

                      Download a Flyer to Display in the Classroom:

                      • tbc for 2024
                      See left hand column for further details and entry forms
                      Submit entries by Saturday 21 September for:
                      • Puppenspielfest
                      • Kunst und Poesie
                      • Werbespot
                      • Song des Jahres
                      • Chor des Jahres
                      • Fotowettbewerb

                      AGTV Competitions Prize Winners

                      View Winning Entries from Past Competitions


                      How to enter an AGTV Competition

                      1. The school must have a current AGTV school membership.

                      2. Teachers register the school's participation online.

                      3. Teachers facilitate the production of entries from students.

                      • Download the competition details for each competition.
                      • Note the closing date for receipt of entries.

                      4. Teachers select entries to forward for judging.

                      • See details of each competition to find out how entries can be forwarded.
                      • It is a local decision on how entries are selected.

                      5. Each eligible student completes a permission form.

                      • AGTV Permissions Form - to retain at school
                      • Teachers partly complete the form to email or print for students who have been selected for state final judging.
                      • Students return the form to their teacher.
                      • Teachers retain the returned permission form at the school.
                      NB: The Student Entry Form for Kunst und Poesie includes gaining parent/carer permission.

                          6. Teachers follow instructions for preparing entries to submit.

                          • The instructions may vary for each competition.
                          • e.g. save documents or images with the student or group name.

                          7. Teachers complete and forward school entry form for the competition.

                          • Download entry forms for the competition
                          • Complete using the correct spelling of student names for certificates

                          8. Teachers forward entries to the Committee for judging.

                          • Note the instructions for submission of entries for each competition.
                          • Forward relevant entry forms with the entries for state final judging.

                                 Any questions, send an email: agtv[a]

                          Members are required to agree to the Rules of the Association.

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