General News
The main AGTV website remains a rich source of information: www.agtv.vic.edu.au
Individual members are sent emails with information, notifications and resource tips directly to their mailbox.
Log in to this website to access further headings for members.
Occasional emails will be forwarded to schools for distribution to teachers of German.
AGTV Network Leaders forward information to contact teachers registered for the AGTV Years 4 to 9 Poetry Competition.
What's new in 2021 The Committee will be launching two new websites:
Stay tuned! New in 2020 Recordings of VCE Sample Written Exam The recordings of the audio texts for the sample exam for the revised VCE were not provided by VCAA. The AGTV Committee are providing the recordings of the transcripts free for teachers of German on a Padlet board. New in 2019 Forums and Blogs Individual members can log in to access forums for Q&A and the Revised VCE under Forums and Blogs. In January 2013, DET announced four regions, each encompassing large chunks of metropolitan and non-metropolitan Melbourne. The AGTV allocates schools within AGTV Networks based on the DET regions for Regional Finals of the Poetry Competition. Old news but good news Leichhardt 2013 marked 200 years since the birth of Ludwig Leichhardt. A range of resources were produced to commemorate his work. 63-letter Word in German is verboten Weg mit den Schulnoten! Irre Idee oder längst überfällig? Thanks D Nutting for the tip. | Other Some of the support for teaching and learning German from Deutsch.info are free downloadable resources from A1 to B2 on a range of topics, including audio files. Every German State Explained (Pronunciation & Bundesländer)Deana and Phil Adjektive, Nomen oder Verben - Lied Kinderlieder zum lernen |