Each Network decides how many students can attend from each year level. There may be a modest charge to cover costs at Regional Finals.
All schools participating must register their interest.
Please register your school's interest extended again to 5 June!
If you are a teacher of German and have not received the poems by email or the notice forwarded from your school, please contact the AGTV: agtv@agtv.vic.edu.au for the poems.
AGTV Criteria for Judging at Regional and State Finals
The words are pronounced correctly with confidence.
The phrases are distinct and appropriately emphasized e.g. tempo, stress, pauses.
How effectively her/his understanding of the mood and meaning of the poem is conveyed. This includes the overall tone and use of voice, eye contact, facial expressions and, in some instances, limited gestures as appropriate for a recitation to a German-speaking community.
NB: No props. The judges decision if final.
About the Open and DaF Sections 2015
There are two sections for the competition: Open and DaF (Deutsch als Fremdsprache).
There are different poems for the different year levels in each section.
Eligibility for the Open Section
Eligibility for the DaF Section*
Members are required to agree to the Rules of the Association.
© 2013-2024 Association of German Teachers of Victoria Inc. Public Website www.agtv.vic.edu.au