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Focus on Junior Secondary Symposium
This conference is supported by the Victorian Government.
What matters
This symposium will explore practical ideas and resources to support student learning in Years 7 to 9 and strategies to promote the retention of students beyond the compulsory years.
Date: Monday 15th May, 2017
8.40 am Registration, resource display and morning tea
9.40 - 3.30 pm Program incl. lunch
Registrations accepted until Tue 9th May
Current Program - more details to follow
NO COST for individual members of the AGTV
Non-members $75*
*Non-members could choose to join the AGTV ($65) and then attend at no cost and receive further benefits of individual membership.
Applications for Support to Attend
Individual members who are teachers of secondary German may apply to the AGTV for a contribution towards CRT to attend and teachers from country schools may also apply for a contribution towards accommodation or travel in addition to CRT support.
Download an application
Payment is paid after attendance.
Queries re program: agtv@agtv.vic.edu.au
The Committee does not have an office.
Members are required to agree to the Rules of the Association.
© 2013-2024 Association of German Teachers of Victoria Inc. Public Website www.agtv.vic.edu.au