AGTV Werbespot Competition 2017
Entries are invited from individuals and groups (max 4) of secondary students of German from AGTV member schools.
Prizes: Werbespot Trophies, vouchers and more
Scenario: Deutsche Welle (DW) are planning a new section on their website called:
(Un)bekannte Erfindungen aus dem deutschsprachigen Raum. They have invited cities and towns to submit promotional videos about an invention with some association to their city or town e.g. the invention may have been invented or produced there or the inventor could be born there. The best videos will be featured on the DW website.
Task: Produce a 10 to 40 second promotional video to highlight the benefits or value of an invention. The language must be mostly German, some English is acceptable, and the video must include a slogan in German.
Competition Details:
Download the full details and scope of the task and judging criteria from the AGTV website under Noticeboard. Please make the details available to the students.
Entry Details
Register your school's participation online!
Entries will be accepted up until:
Members are required to agree to the Rules of the Association.
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