UN Modell-Konferenzenz auf Deutsch 2018
The AGTV is pleased to support another United Nations Model Conference for students of VCE German. The conference is conducted entirely in German on Friday 22nd June 2018 at the Treasury Theartre in Melbourne.
The topic for 2018:
Asylbewerbende und Flüchtlinge: Eine weltweite humanitäre Krise
This will be the third conference for German organised by the Victorian Branch of the United Nations Association Australia (UNAA) with the support of the Victorian Government through the Department of Education and Training.
Basically, the students research a country they are allocated and represent that country at the conference. A full suite of support materials will be supplied to teachers registering a team in the conference.
Some teachers use the topic as part of a Detailed Study.
Download further information from the AGTV Noticeboard including a publicity flyer in German with a link to online registration through the UNAA, and an information notice in English.
Registrations close Tuesday, 13th March 2018
An information session will be held on Friday 2nd March. Details TBC.
Members are required to agree to the Rules of the Association.
© 2013-2024 Association of German Teachers of Victoria Inc. Public Website www.agtv.vic.edu.au