AGTV Werbespot Competition 2020
The competition is open to students learning German in AGTV member schools in Years 5 to 12.
A maximum of 4 entries per school can be entered for state final judging.
Individual and group entries accepted.
Theme for 2020: Deutsch schmeckt!
Task: Produce a 20 to 60 second audio-visual advertisement featuring a food (e.g. main meal, dessert, snack, street food) from a DACHL country. The advertisement must include the slogan ‘Deutsch schmeckt!’ and persuade viewers to try this food. Your advertisement may include information about the origin of the food and its connection to the county or region.
NB: Save the video in an MP4 format.
Prizes: Werbespot Trophies
Certificates of Participation will be forwarded to the school for teachers to complete and give to all students producing an entry. However, schools select a maximum of 4 entries per school to forward for judging.
Closing Date:
Entries will be accepted up until: NEW EXTENSION Saturday 24 October 2020
Competition Details:
Download the full details (incl. judging criteria) and entry forms from the AGTV website:
The AGTV reserves the right to screen and/or upload selected Werbespots to a website.
Members are required to agree to the Rules of the Association.
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