This is often a cross-curriculum collaboration between the teacher/s of German and the teacher/s of Art.
Theme: Rund um das Meer
For students from Foundation to Year 6 (see Categories below)
There are 3 elements to this competition. Students need to produce-
Please download further details and entry forms from the AGTV Noticeboard- scroll down to find the competitions.
Scan or photograph entries as PDF or jpg files.
Entries accepted anytime up until: NEW EXTENSION -
Saturday 24 October 2020
A 'Certificate of Participation' for students will be forwarded to schools registering and submitting entries.
Images of entries may be displayed at AGTV events, published in SZENE and as a digital exhibition on a website.
Members are required to agree to the Rules of the Association.
© 2013-2024 Association of German Teachers of Victoria Inc. Public Website