AGTV Schreibwettbewerb 2020
The competition is open to students learning German in AGTV member schools.
A maximum of 6 entries per school can be entered for state final judging.
Theme for 2020: Zukunftsträume – nah oder fern
Task: Choose one (1) from four (4) different tasks to enter:
1. Poster / Collage
2. Fotostory / Comic
3. Gedicht
4. Tagebucheintrag
Competition Details:
Download the full details and entry forms from the AGTV website and please share these with the students:
The AGTV reserves the right to share or publish entries in print or on a website.
Prizes: Certificates and small prizes
Certificates of Participation will be forwarded to the school for teachers to compete,
Closing Date for Entries:
Register school participation on this website.
Forward entries to the dedicated email address listed on the school entry form.
Entries will be accepted up until: Saturday 31 October 2020
Prize winners will be announced in November.
Members are required to agree to the Rules of the Association.
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