AGTV Werbespot Competition 2021
The competition is open to students learning German in AGTV member schools in Years 5 to 12.
A maximum of 4 entries per school can be entered for state final judging.
Individual and group entries accepted.
Theme for 2021: Global denken, lokal handeln
Scenario: The world needs every individual to play their part in developing a sustainable future. Together we can be the change we want to see in the world.
Task: Produce a 20 to 60 second audio-visual advertisement focusing on one or more actions/habits individuals can adopt to promote sustainable living on earth.
NB: Save the video in an MP4 format.
Prizes: Werbespot Trophies
Certificates of Participation will be forwarded to the school for teachers to complete and give to all students producing an entry. However, schools select a maximum of 4 entries per school to forward for judging.
NEW Closing Date: Anytime up until to and including Sunday 31st October 2021
Competition Details:
Please download further details and entry forms from the dedicated webpage:
The AGTV reserves the right to screen and/or upload selected Werbespots to a website.
Members are required to agree to the Rules of the Association.
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