NEW: AGTV Podcast Competition 2021
The competition is open to individual and groups or students learning German in AGTV member schools in Years 9 to 12.
A maximum of 8 entries per school can be entered for state final judging.
Individual and group entries accepted.
Scenario: SBS Radio’s JUGENDMAILBOX is running a special program for students to submit podcasts to inform young people learning German about cultural practices and events in German-speaking communities.
Task: Individual or groups of students in Years 9 to 12 are invited to create an original podcast in German of three minutes or less about a cultural practice or event* in a German-speaking community. NB: Some podcasts will be well under 3 minutes.
*NOTE: The Münchner Oktoberfest and Hamburger Hafengeburtstag are excluded.
State Final: Each school may select up a maximum of 8 entries per school to forward to the committee for state final judging. Prizes will be awarded across year levels.
Prizes: Trophies & Certificates. A Certificate of Participation will be forwarded to schools
Submission of Entries: Files need to be saved as an MP3 or MP4 file and forwarded with the entry form to a dedicated email address – to be confirmed. The AGTV reserves the right to publicly broadcast and/or upload the audio file to a public website.
Entries accepted anytime up to and including: Sunday 31st October 2021
Competition Details:
Please download further details and entry forms from the dedicated webpage:
The AGTV reserves the right to publicly broadcast and/or upload selected Podcasts to a website.
Members are required to agree to the Rules of the Association.
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