Essential Phrase: Gute Besserung!
Download competition details and entry forms from the AGTV member website:
Who can enter?
For Primary Foundation to Year 6 and and Secondary Years 7 and 8 students learning German at an AGTV member school working in groups of 2 or more.
What do students need to do to prepare an entry?
1. Students work in groups of 2 or more to produce a puppet play in German.
2. The length of the play must be a maximum of 2 minutes, but can be much shorter.
2. The script must be (mostly) in German and must include the essential phrase above.
3. Practise the performance of the play with the puppets.
4. Video a performance of the play to submit for school judging.
Primary and secondary prizes will be awarded for each year level and/or year level combinations.
A 'Certificate of Participation' for students will be forwarded to schools registering and submitting entries to print for all students who prepared an entry.
School Selection of Entries
Schools run an in-house competition or festival to select a maximum of TWO entries per year level or year level combination to forward for judging at the state final.
Deadline for receipt of entries EXTENSION: Mon 12th September
Judging of State Final Entries
Prize winners will be announced in Term 4.
The AGTV reserves the right to publicly screen and/or upload selected puppet plays to a website for the purpose of inspiring others and reporting on or promoting the competition.
This competition is supported by the Victorian Government.