AGTV Podcast Competition 2022
The competition is open to individual and groups or students learning German in AGTV member schools in Years 5 to 12.
A maximum of 6 entries per school or campus can be entered for state final judging.
Individual and group entries accepted.
Scenario: SBS Radio are planning a new segment called Musik am Montag and have invited students of German to prepare an original podcast about a German song or piece of music from a German-speaking community.
Task: Individual or groups of students in Years 5 to 12 produce an original podcast in German of three minutes or less about a German song or piece of music from a German-speaking community. (Some podcasts will be well under 3 minutes.)
The podcast could include:
!!! There are other Conditions for Preparation of Entries incl. being mindful of copyright. These are outlined on the Competition Details, which can be downloaded from the AGTV member website under Competitions for Students via the link below.
Submission of Entries: Each school may select up a maximum of 6 entries per school to forward to the committee for state final judging. The MP3 or MP4 file/s are forwarded by the teachers with student and school entry forms to a dedicated email address for state final judging.
Entries accepted anytime up to and including: Saturday 8th October 2022
Prizes: Trophies & Certificates. Prizes will be awarded across year levels.
A Certificate of Participation will be forwarded to schools
The AGTV reserves the right to publicly broadcast and/or upload the audio file to a public website to inspire others and report on or promote the competition.
This competition is supported by the Victorian Government.
Members are required to agree to the Rules of the Association.
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