Model UN Conference in German 2022
The Victorian Government support the Victorian branch of the United Nations Association Australia (UNAA) to host another model UN conference in German.
This event was advertised earlier in the year.
Date: Monday 18th July (times tbc)
Topic: Nachhaltige Städte und Gemeinden: Auf dem Weg in eine resiliente Zukunft
Venue: Victorian Academy of Teaching and Leadership
AGTV Support - The AGTV has supported this event since it was first held with the collaboration with the UNAA for choosing a topic, translation of documents, sourcing a Secretary General, travel support for country schools to attend and providing morning tea for students and staff.
The Victorian Government provide some support to the AGTV for this event but the morning tea is funded by memberships of the association.
Applications for a Travel Subsidy in 2022
Schools participating may apply for a travel subsidy.
Please complete application for your school from this page.
The Committee will provide the contact person with further details.
Members are required to agree to the Rules of the Association.
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