AGTV Event: Through the AGTV’s partnership with Kultur und Sprache in Austria, the Committee is pleased to offer a workshop for individual members with the special guest at the GI National Conference
Presenter: Catherine Carré-Karlinger from Austria
Derzeit ist Catherine mit dem National Competence Center für Sprachliche Bildung im Kontext von Migration und Mehrsprachigkeit (NCoC BIMM) in die Entwicklungsarbeit involviert. Sie ist auch in mehreren internationalen Projekten tätig und nimmt u.a. an unterschiedlichen Projekten des Europäischen Fremdsprachenzentrums des Europarats (EFSZ/ECML) als Expertin teil.
Program: Focus on Secondary - Meine Sprachen und ich
Target Audience: Individual Members working/volunteering in Secondary Schools
When: Monday 5th September 2022
Time: Networking and afternoon tea from 4.30 pm (incl. vegetarian options)
5.00 to 6.00 pm workshop
Where: VSL Thornbury, 315 Clarendon St, Thornbury
Cost: Nil*
*This event is only for individual members.
Registration closes Mon 5th September
- but we would appreciate your earliest registration to assist organising the catering
The Committee is grateful for the support of the Victorian School of Languages.
This event is supported by Kultur und Sprache and the Victorian Government.
Members are required to agree to the Rules of the Association.
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