AGTV Pop Up Presenter via Zoom
The AGTV has produced some fun new materials designed by Tina Wilkinson with the support of the Victorian Government. They are suitable for upper primary to later secondary, depending on how they are used.
Register to hear Tina talk about the materials at a short online presentation on:
Wednesday 22 February at 4.30 pm for 30 minutes.
Theme of Materials: Karneval/Fasching/Fasnacht
Title: Bist du ein super Detektiv? - an activity for students to use their detective skills in German to solve a case.
The package includes advice for teachers and a link to a Padlet to support student research. The materials will be shared at the meeting and available to download later from the AGTV website.
Registration essential no later than 10.00 am on Wed 22 Feb to receive the link to join the meeting by midday on Wed 22 Feb.
NB: This registration is a simple registration to indicate your attendance.
About the Presenter:
Tina is a member and has been a committee member of the AGTV. She is an experienced teacher in government and independent secondary schools and is currently a tutor for RMIT in their Master of Teaching Practice program, as well as other pursuits.
The production of the materials was supported by the Victorian Government.
Members are required to agree to the Rules of the Association.
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