Modell-UN-Konferenz auf Deutsch 2023
The Victorian Branch of the United Nations Association of Australia (UNAA) and Department of Education Languages Unit in collaboration with the AGTV are convening a model UN Conference in German for students in Year 11 and 12 studying German.
DATE: Tue 18 July 2023
TIME: 9.00 am to 3.00 pm
Registation from 8.30 am
VENUE: Victorian Academy of Teaching and Leadership (VATL)
603-615 Queensbury St, North Melbourne
Please note that the Department requires that anyone entering VATL to be fully vaccinated (i.e. three doses).
COST: Nil - The conference is supported by the Victorian Government
Registrations close Fri 10 March (or until fully booked)
Registration is simple through the UNAA – (no student names at this stage, just desired number of students) Click here to attend:
Conference Resource Packages will be forwarded after registration by Dr Sally Northfield from the UNAA.
About the Conference
Held during Term 3, the language-specific Model UN conferences offer students of German, French, Indonesian, Italian, Chinese (Second Language) and Japanese a unique and popular way to boost their language competencies.
Mirroring the rules and procedures of the General Assembly, the Model UN conferences prepare students in the lead up to their final written and oral exams, while deepening their understanding of the United Nations and its impact on international law and relations.
Members are required to agree to the Rules of the Association.
© 2013-2024 Association of German Teachers of Victoria Inc. Public Website