Kunst und Poesie 2023
This competition is only open to students learning German at AGTV member schools.
View past prize-winning entries: AGTV on VIMEO
Artist in Focus: August Macke
For students from Foundation to Year 6 (see Categories below)
There are 3 elements to this competition. Students need to -
- create an artwork in any medium (not photography) inspired by the artist
- write a brief artist's statement about the artwork in English or German
- compose an Elfchen or Akrostichon poem in German in response to your artwork or August Macke
It is often a cross-curriculum collaboration between the teacher/s of German and the teacher/s of Art.
Further Information and Entry Forms
Download from AGTV member website under Competitions for Students:
- Competition Details (includes Advice for Teachers),
- Advice for Students and
- Entry Forms
Link to Competitions for Students
School Selection of Entries
Schools run an in-house competition (and exhibition*) to select a maximum of TWO entries per year level from Foundation to Year 6 to forward for judging at the state final.
Selected students complete a Student Entry Form which includes obtaining permission from the parent/carer. This form is retained at the school.
*The Committee recommends the school hold their own exhibition and award prizes and certificates to make German visible.
Electronic Submission of Entries to a Dedicated Email
Entries accepted anytime until: Sat 16th September
A 'Certificate of Participation' for students will be forwarded to schools rfor all students completing an entry for the school competition.
Images of entries may be displayed at AGTV events, published in SZENE and as a digital exhibition on a website.
Judging of State Final Entries
Prizes are awarded in all year levels. Winners will be announced in Term 4.
The AGTV reserves the right to display entries at events or on a public website to inspire others and report on or promote the competition.
This competition is supported by the Victorian Government.