AGTV Years 4 to 9 Poetry Competition 2023
Open Group Performance Competition
- Open Primary
- Open Secondary
- Open Combined
Please register your school's participation (separate to the individual competition).
About the Group Performance Competition
Teachers film a group performance of a poem to submit for state final judging. (See 'Composition of a Group' below)
There are two poems from which to choose. The performance can be in any style.
No props or costumes. Judges decision is final.
Maximum of two entries per school or campus.
2023 Performance Poems
Beim Kaufmann and Der Bratapfel are the two poems for 2023.
Audio files will be available soon.
Judging Criteria for Group Performance & Entry Form
Secondary and Combined entries accepted anytime until: Saturday 12th August 2023
EXTENSION: Thursday 31st August 2023
Prize winners will be announced in (change of date) September tbc.
Any questions, email:
Composition of a Group
A group must have at least 3 members from Years 4 to 9 at a current AGTV member school.
Groups can be any combination of students learning German at the school e.g. DaF and Open, primary and secondary, multi-year level, single year level.
Students who enter the DaF or Open Individual section may also be part of an Open Group Performance.
View prize winning entries from 2022: