The AGTV is proud to have coordinated a reciprocal exchange program with the Bayerischer Jugendring (BJR) since 1988. We are holding an Anniversary Dinner to celebrate 25 years of cooperation with the BJR and service to Victorian families and schools.
Mr Matthias Fack, President of BJR in Munch, Germany
(The first time a BJR President has visited Australia)
Mr Michael Schwarz, Head of Consultancy and Development, Munich
Mr Gerhard Böttcher, Head of Individual Student Exchanges, Germany - on his last official visit to Australia.
The AGTV-BJR Exchange is one of the most significant contributions the AGTV has made to the teaching and learning of German in Victoria. As a Registered Student Exchange Organisation with the VRQA, we offer a unique and affordable opportunity for international exchange.
More than 1200 students from regional and metropolitan
Join us at this event to celebrate 25 years of collaboration and intercultural exchange between young people and their families in Victoria and Bavaria.
Ticket includes pre-dinner drinks from 7.00pm followed by a 3-course meal at 7.30pm with selected beer, wine or soft drink.
Registrations extended until 19th February.
Dress Code: Smart Casual
Sorry, no refunds after 19th February.
Members are required to agree to the Rules of the Association.
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