AGTV PD for Inexperienced Teachers of VCE German
This session is for teachers who have never taught or only taught VCE German for one to three years, or who have not taught VCE for a few years.
The program will provide an overview of the course and administrative responsibilities, as well as tips from experienced teachers about setting coursework, preparing students and managing the workload.
NB: Registration from 2.00pm
Program from 2.30pm to 4.30pm
Afternoon Tea included in the registration cost.
Members Registration: Costs
Special offer for Current Individual Members
Venue accessible by public transport.
Free car parking on site.
BSB Direct Transfer Code: VCE-MA
ADDITIONAL OFFER!! Register for Session A and stay on for for Session B at a special price of $40. Select this option when you register for this Session A.
NB: Session B is for all teachers of VCE German and will include a review of the 2012 Written Exam and hands-on marking of sample student work.
Registration 4.30pm for 5.00 to 7.30pm program incl. afternoon tea on arrival and finger food at 6.00pm.
Network with colleagues. It is what the AGTV does best.
Members are required to agree to the Rules of the Association.
© 2013-2024 Association of German Teachers of Victoria Inc. Public Website