This Saturday PD Buffet in May will focus on practical teaching ideas for teachers of German. Topics include:
Media & Film in Junior Secondary (Year 9 focus)
Presentation on a unit of work related to talking about films (reviews, opinions etc) including ideas for using 'Lola rennt'.
Presenter: Ursula Fisher
Brentwood SC, AGTV Treasurer
Brave New World of Apps for Teachers and Students
This session will cover generic and German-specific APPs and how they contribute to learning and teaching with an opportunity for you to share yours and ask questions. Applicable for novice and more experienced users of iPads!
Come along and see what all the fuss is about if you are a novice and/or see what others are doing.
Presenters: AGTV Members
Practical Workshop
Gruppendynamik (Energizer im Unterricht)
Präsentationsformen und ihre Einsatzmöglichkeiten im DaF-Unterricht.
Olga Yankevich
PLF in SA for Goethe-Institut Australia
The AGTV is grateful to the Goethe-Institut for funding Olga to come to Melbourne.
New Materials and Opportunities for German
Registration Details
Registration from 9.30am for 10.00am start and 1.15pm finish.
Registration includes arrival tea/coffee and morning tea.
Registration Cost
AGTV Individual Members: $40
Non-members: $90
If paying by bank transfer, please use this code: MAYPD.
Registrations close 23rd May
Attendance at this PD counts for 3 hours 15 mins towards VIT registration.