Professional Development for Individual Members of the AGTV
The AGTV invites individual members to a professional development program on the Goethe-Institut theme for 2014: Feste feiern.
Friday 29th November from 3.30-4.30pm
Registrations close 27 November
Eva Schwemmer
German Adviser
Goethe-Institut Australia
Members are invited to stay for the Annual General Meeting of the AGTV at the same venue from 5.00pm to 6.00pm
Cost: $20.00
NB: Travel allowance available for individual members from country networks of the AGTV coming to both the PD and attending the AGM.
Payment Options
Pay online from this site with PayPal Express Checkout
Pay by Cheque made payable to 'AGTV'
BSB Bank Transfer to AGTV Code: PDNOV13
NB: Please note that a school membership does not entitle teachers to the individual member PDs.
Individual membership is for a calendar year.